Saturday, March 7, 2015

John Calvin and the Parable of the Householder

John Calvin

Calvin argues that the parable of the Housebuilder beautifully compares true and false Christians. Although both have the same external appearance, the one without a firm foundation will crumble when troubles attack, but the one with a firm foundation will stand every test. This firm foundation for Christians includes being “well and thoroughly founded on Christ, and to have deep roots” (Col 2:7) and not being “tossed and driven about by every wind of doctrine” (Eph 4:14):
The general meaning of the passage is, that true piety is not fully distinguished from its counterfeit, till it comes to the trial. For the temptations, by which we are tried, are like billows and storms, which easily overwhelm unsteady minds, whose lightness is not perceived during the season of prosperity.

Calvin often cites other biblical passages to explain the text he is interpreting, because he believes in the unity and continuity of Scripture—although the New Testament advances well beyond the Hebrew Bible—and the need to explain difficult passages with more clear and easily understood texts.

A personal note: Congratulations to Rick (my brother) and Karen on their wedding today! Glad to be able to celebrate with you, and I wish you many, many years of happiness together.

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