Sunday, November 16, 2014

SBL Section on the Bible and Visual Art (Nov 23, 2014)

Vincent van Gogh, The Sower (1888)

For those of you who are interested and are able to attend, there are a couple of papers being given in the Bible and Visual Arts Section concerning the parables in visual art. Christine Joynes (Oxford University) is presenting a paper on the parable of the Sower--Christine is always excellent; don't miss her--and I am presenting on Thomas Hart Benton's Prodigal Son (the lithograph, not the painting). There is a chance that I may be called out of town and will miss the session, but I intend to be there if at all possible.

Here is the schedule for the session:

SBL Bible and Visual Art Section
1:00 PM–3:30 PM
Convention Center – Room 33 A (Upper level) 

Heidi Hornik, Baylor University, Presiding

Luis Menéndez-Antuña, Vanderbilt University
The queer art of biblical reading (30 min)

Christine E. Joynes, University of Oxford
Sloppy Sowers and Peasant Power: Exploring Some Parabolic Pictures (30 min)

David B. Gowler, Emory University
“The Belated Return of the ‘Son’”: Thomas Hart Benton’s Prodigal Son (30 min)

Ela Nutu, University of Sheffield, Respondent (20 min) 

Discussion (20 min)

Business Meeting (20 min)

AAR/SBL Meeting website

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