Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Another Rich Fool image; Thanks; and Progress on the Book

The Rich Fool

Three quick things in this post:

First, the above image is another one that my Honors Seminar student is having difficulty finding enough information on. In addition, the quality of the image/file size makes it impossible to enlarge so that we can read the text on the painting itself (unlike the previous image, in which the Greek is easy to see). The image is found here. If you have information that would be helpful to her (my student), please email me (or comment below).

Second, I want to thank the people who graciously responded to the request in the previous post. Two people have been especially helpful: Ralph (Zosimas) Sidway, "Webservant for Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit Orthodox Church": and Dr. Bruce Beck, Assistant Professor of New Testament, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and Director, Pappas Patristic Institute.

Third, I want to report progress on my own book since the last update. I have finished sections on both the hymnwriter (lyricist) Fanny Crosby and the great novelist Leo Tolstoy. To keep the sections within the word limits, I focused on four hymns by Crosby and on one short story by Tolstoy ("Where Love Is, God Is"). Very fun sections to write.

Today--a snow day in Atlanta--I am doing some college work, but I am also writing about Adolf Jülicher. His Die Gleichnisreden Jesu (The Parables of Jesus; it's not translated from the German) is the most famous and influential scholarly book on the parables ever written. This afternoon I am reworking a section from my What Are They Saying about the Parables? about Jülicher to include in this new book (I received permission from Paulist Press to do so).

Since my first parables book was about modern scholars, I am only including three modern scholars in this much broader reception history of the parables book with Baker Academic. David Flusser and Elsa Tamez will be the other modern scholars I will include in this book.

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