Saturday, September 3, 2016

NT Scholars blurbs about the book (#2) and two milestones

This weekend I am creating the "shells" for the indices of the book. The pdf of the final version should arrive in the next week or so.  

Here is the second endorsement on the Baker Academic website; this one is from Mariam Kovalishyn

"This delightful book romps rapidly through the history of interpretation of the parables. David Gowler introduces us not merely to the familiar greats and how they interpreted the parables--and even their own variations--but also to lesser-known interpreters: women, artists, and musicians all feature in this text. We meet a woman amongst the church fathers, we read excerpts from the Qur'an alongside Gregory the Great, we find interpretations that cycle in and out of fashion over the centuries, we discover poets who shock us into hearing again the familiar words of Jesus. Blues musicians and catacomb paintings rarely feature in the same book, nor abolitionists alongside the politically powerful, but here they are all given their chance to speak. This is not a commentary. Rather, Gowler reveals a history made up of contextualized people interpreting Jesus's quintessential teachings for their times. For those who read Scripture knowing that we read it in community with those who have studied it before us, and for those who love the parables for their unexpected inversions and slantwise telling of the truth, this book is a gift." 
Mariam Kovalishyn, assistant professor of New Testament, Regent College
Also, a couple milestones to note: 

First, this post is the 300th one of the blog about the book. I suppose I will continue the blog for a while longer, probably through the first few months the book is out, but perhaps after that the blog might evolve into something else.

Second, yesterday was the 350th day in a row that I have walked/run over 10,000 steps/5 miles per day, something I started doing this every day during Emory University's "Move More" challenge last September. I then decided to try to walk/run 10,000 steps every day for an entire year in memory of my dad, who started a regimen of walking after his quadruple bypass in 1999. So I have 16 more days (it was a leap year) to go.

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